
Senior Year in EAE

Well, as suggested by my capstone instructors, I am booting this blog back up to provide status updates on a capstone project that I will be working on in the near future.

For those of you that have been checking the blog and/or wondering when I would post new material, the reason for my extended absence was due to me canceling my gamefly account.  Honestly, the games I was playing grew overly mediocre and Starcraft kind of took over all of my gaming life since then.

I have a youtube channel at http://www.youtube.com/user/CommunitySC2.  It is a tutorial series that I update daily, showing people cool stuff in the game and how to play it better.  It is growing to be quite the series as I make an okay amount of money just producing videos for it.  Over the summer I nearly tripled my traffic (the original goal was to double it), and it is overall going very well.  I am currently at about 6,200 subscribers, and the number rises by about 1,000 every month at the current pace I am on.

I don't know what project I will be working on in my capstone class, but the projects I have worked on in school have always set the bar of quality standards both for that class and for the history of the class (at least as far as I could tell).  I hope that this is no exception and we can create something great.  Of course, you'll hear all about it on this page so be sure to check back if you are interested in the development process!  :)

Take care.

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