
Post EAE-Day, Publishing Next

So our final EAE day just happened and we showed very well (as is expected by this point).  Our build was actually weeks old, partly because that's what we've shown to the world as our free demo, and partly because the project has been set aside by mostly everyone to worry more about finals and other projects to end the semester.

It was interesting to see what industry professionals thought about the game, and for the most part they all were sucked in and played for quite a long time, asking questions, being engaged, etc.  It was also interesting to hear that some people at these companies had been talking about the game, which I discovered as I asked a few people if they wanted to hear about it.  The fact that people are talking about it and it's getting some respect around the community is cool.  It makes me wonder how else people are talking about the game outside of Utah.

As far as progress on the game goes, we are close to the same position as we were a couple weeks ago, with the demo levels done and whatnot, but some minor changes have happened.  We are currently working on adding a bunch of new levels, converting them to our new hard mode (HotCore mode).  We need to introduce a couple of new art assets, fix a couple of things, but from this point forward the entirety of our work to finish the project off will be deploying on any new hardware we might be receiving, adding levels, and maybe trying to run the project in Unity 5 in hopes of improving performance and giving us a good avenue to deploy on other hardware.

I'm a little bit worried about people being satisfied considering most of us are graduating, there's only a few more days left of school, and we have performed so well in the class.  I'm hoping that the remainder of the work doesn't break down to me and a couple other people doing the rest of it over the summer, but we have already anticipated this and I think it will be pretty minimal.

We should hear back from E3 and our release platforms in the next week or two, so as soon as we know what is happening with that, we will talk about it on our social media, and on this blog :)

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